专业的危险品监装员/申报员,可提供快捷方便的危险品申报审批业务,并配备一流装卸队伍,可提供托盘缠膜、装托、熏蒸,装箱加固,危险品标示制做张贴,现场监装拍照等服务。操作人员业务熟练素质过硬,熟悉大部分化工品/危险品的产品性质,了解各船公司的承运要求,可快速申请舱位,并能够对运输过程中的各项流程提出专业意见确保运输安全无误。 Create a bill of lading according to the power of attorney and confirm the bill of lading with the customer to ensure the authenticity and accuracy of the contents of the bill of lading.
Confirm the bill with the customer and charge the relevant fees.
8. Return customs declaration, waybill
After the export declaration, the declaration form will be returned to the customer for tax refund and cancellation.
1. According to the shipping plan, timely communicate with the relevant purchasing personnel and suppliers to obtain accurate data, and perform reasonable allocation calculations based on the data, and strive to minimize the use of containers.
2. Pay attention to the balance of weight distribution when packing oversized cargo.
3. All customs declaration documents must ensure that the information sheets match.
4. Pay attention to the temperature and ventilation of the refrigerator.
" 美国普货专线(不接带电)UPS/FEDEX派送(大陆飞洛杉矶)
邮编 21KG 71KG 101KG+ 301KG+ 1001KG+ 时效
8-9 限时特惠:本周三交,周五飞 73 73 73 起飞后4-6工作日提取
5-7 74 74 74
0-4 75 75 75
单独报关 500元/票
非FBA地址 免收
超品名及高申报 品名超出5个的,每超出一个加收RMB40/个。建议自行购买商业保险
加收费用 目录
1元/kg 税率高、需磁检、商检、FDA申报、超品名等(例纺织品、皮革制品、鞋类、笔类(油性笔走带电渠道)、灯类、机动车零件、假发、带不锈钢/铁/铝合金制品、玻璃/陶瓷制品、木/竹制品、厨房用品、摄影类产品、单票品名超5个等) 长期合作伙伴免收
2元/kg 钟表、美容仪器、VR眼镜、成人用品以及需要FDA申报的产品(与人体、食品接触);
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